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Thus, there are questions regarding participation on the student teacher checklist which states that: Did the teacher encourage students to actively participate in the lesson? doi: 10.4102/ajod.v6i0.341. The policy (Ministry of Education, 2015: p. 6) defines a child with special educational needs [SEN] as: a child with disability, namely, visual, hearing, locomotor, and intellectual impairments. Throughout the curriculum and other auxiliary documents, there are phrases and statements such as How much time was spent helping this student? Did the teacher spend time helping them Did the student(s) with learning needs successfully complete the activities/tasks assigned in the lesson? These questions amply testify that the focus of curriculum and other auxiliary documents are on learners with learning difficulties to the neglect of other categories of disabilities. All these barriers could inhibit access of persons with disabilities in the school and impact on their learning. Ghana: Ministry of Education. Bentzen, L. (2015). 5, 115. That the student teacher reflection is aimed at increasing their disability sensitivity and inclusion is fallacious. Education is necessary for persons with disabilities to break out of the cycle of poverty as recognized by both the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Sustainable Development Goals. A., and Asimeng-Boahene, L. (2011). University-Level Upgrade for Teacher-Training Colleges. S. Grek, C. Maroy, and A. Verger (Milton Park: Routledge), 4358. Examples of how anthropomorphism is misleading. Instruction has always been the decision of what to teach (curriculum) and how to teach (methods, materials, and activities). Available at: (Accessed June 30, 2022). All Rights Reserved. Our analytical tools, social model of disability and the SDGs goal 4 were synergistic, which allowed for comparative analysis. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Finkelstein, V. (1980). The former Editorial Director for both eSchool News and eCampus News, and was formerly the Managing Editor of eCampus News. Other building facilities were ramped, but the ramps were not accessible. Ethn. Her work has appeared in The Huffington Post, The Guardian, Scholastic, Inc., the College Board, the Center for Teaching Quality, and Education Week. The proponents of the social model of disability contest that a students personal characteristics such as having an impairment is not the major impediment to learning, but barriers created by schools and society (World Health Organization, 2011; Nakua et al., 2017; Braun and Naami, 2021). Feel free to quote Diane Ravitch, one of the most respected voices in education, who notes that unions protect teachers' rights, support professionalism, and check administrative power. The site observation was taken to audit the accessibility of the physical environment. The Togo slippery frog was thought to be extinct. Consistent with Ghanas commitment to ensuring that all children are given the opportunity to exercise their rights through inclusive education, it ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Article 6 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and the Dakar Framework for Action. Beliefs on epilepsy in Northern Ghana. In their observation checklist, it is important that the students also identify whether what they identify are accessible to all learners particularly, persons with disabilities. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. If you're a teacheror if you've even thought about being a teacheryou've probably heard a few of these common misconceptions about teaching. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.309. The 5 million figure collaborates with the World Health Organizations estimates that disability affects 1520% of every countrys population (World Health Organization, 2018). (2003). Finkelstein, V. (1988). For example, in math, when you are teaching math, you will let them know that these and that are some of the misconceptions. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Emmanuel College in Boston, MA. University culture and sustainability: designing and implementing an enabling framework. Many attend mandatory professional development, and some work to get their master's degree. Stressful school atmosphere, teachers' lack of knowledge and bad attitude towards work can equally hinder the reading process at this level. "Kids Today Are Entitled, Dangerous Brats", I can assure you that most of today's students are hardworking, fun-loving, eager-to-learn youngsters. According to Yin (1981), p. 98, the decision to utilize a case study arises when an empirical inquiry must examine a contemporary phenomenon in its real-life context especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. We established that the curriculum and auxiliary teaching materials do not adequately address leaners with disabilities and their needs. (2019) explains that while the CoE provides a yearlong school-based teaching practice in addition to a semester-long campus-based peer teaching, their colleagues offering education degrees in the University of Cape Coast (UCC) engage in a semester-long school-based teaching experience. Disability inclusiveness requires care and proper planning, but that is not emphasized in the curriculum of Colleges of Education in Ghana. 27, 689701. Visit our Privacy Policyfor more information. Available at: (Accessed May 15, 2022). (2015). Policies, targets, and strategies Education Strategic Plan 20032015 May. Next-Generation Data Strategies and Solutions, The Technology Tools, Skills, and Support Every Student Needs to Succeed, Strategies for Creating a Successful Collaborative Learning Environment, Virtual or In-Person, Do more with less with managed services for K12, The Earth Prize 2023 Winners Announcement, Latest Enhancements to Discovery Education Services Drive Deeper Student Engagement, KidWind and Toyota Join Forces to Bring Renewable Energy Education to West Virginia, ISTE and Capstone Collaborate on Childrens Books Championing Digital Citizenship, Ohio Department of Education Names Curriculum Associates i-Ready Assessment an Approved Dyslexia Screener for Grades K3, 6 benefits of immersive learning with the metaverse, Building a Successful Certification Program at Your Institution. To be effective, a science teacher should not underestimate the importance and the persistence of these barriers to true understanding. (2016). She was also awarded the 2011 Massachusetts Commonwealth Award in Creative Leadership, and in 2007 was named a member of the 2007 USA Today All-Teacher Team. 1, 78377846. But unless they live with, or are close friends with, a teacher, it might be challenging to change their minds. curriculum is used by Colleges of Education and other Universities offering education programs, as it was collaboratively produced by four teacher education universities with senior members of Colleges of Education (Ministry of Education National, 2017). United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], (2021). Published by the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike International. Colleges of Education are the settings where teachers are trained to develop required skills for effective inclusive education. But the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) program was introduced in 1995 as part of efforts to fulfill UNESCOs mission of free universal education for all by 2015 (Akyeampong, 2009). The aim of this module is to introduce students to the huge variation in geography that exists within the complex continent of Africa Key Stage Three, Module, Global perspectives, geopolitics and development, Urbanisation, migration and society Sections Overview Africa: scale and diversity Dealing with common misconceptions of Africa 10 Tips and Truths of Living with a Teacher, A Chance to Build Meaningful Relationships with Students, Engaging Students during the Long Winter Months, 5 REALISTIC Ways for Teachers to Get Healthier This Year. If you're a teacheror if you've even thought about being a teacheryou've probably heard a few of these common misconceptions about teaching. 171, 434445. Unlike gender which was given much attention and detailed reflection in the Colleges of Education curriculum. But the section seems to relate more to learners with learning difficulties. Teacher education training for basic and secondary schools are undertaken by initial teacher education institutions. Available at: (Accessed August 10, 2022). 2nd Edn. If not, what can society do to nullify or erase some misconceptions about the teaching profession in Ghana and also equip ourselves in readiness for the task given to us as a group, that is Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Teaching Educators, Training Institutions, including the Universities and all other teaching affiliate bodies This research sought to investigate teachers' experiences with overcrowded classrooms: the case of new Gbawe experimental 1 basic school in Ghana's Greater Accra region. In a similar vein, the Government of Ghana has identified several factors that prevent persons with disabilities from attending school, including the general publics negative perception of people with disabilities, physical obstacles, the lack of adequate facilities for assessments, and a rigid curriculum, inadequate planning by regular teachers for students with special needs (Government of Ghana, 2003). It further states that all children have the right to access basic education and that the education system should be dynamic to adapt to the needs of children. Educ. GhanaS free senior high school policy: evidence and insight from data. Shakespeare, T., and Watson, N. (2010). The curriculum of the Colleges of Education in Ghana emphasis on the need for student teachers to reflect on their own beliefs and biases to enhance acceptance and conscientious efforts toward accommodating learners with disabilities to increase their inclusion. Curriculum in 2018, was written to reform education and the school curriculum. There were storey buildings with no elevators, most of the entrances to the buildings were inhibited with steps and not ramps. curriculum tasks student teachers to Identify school and student characteristics that act as barriers to learning. However, this statement is problematic as it is a wrong premise to understand barriers to learning for learners with disabilities. Disabil. The focus on myths and misconceptions is borne out of the fact that they are potential threat to preventive efforts [18-20]. Senior High School Education in Ghana, from September 2017 became free (Tamanja and Pajibo, 2019). Avoiding anthropomorphism helps young people to open the closed box of AI applications. In addition, the curriculum requires student teachers to find out if there are other learning resources apart from computer(s). *Correspondence: Augustina Naami,, Transforming Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan African Countries Towards the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 by 2030: New Opportunities, Challenges, Problems and Prospects, View all UNESCOs formulation of the Global Education Cooperation Mechanism (GCM) is at the heart of the interconnectedness and intersectional efforts on SDG 4. Yin, R. K. (1981). 6. eds. Oliver, M. (1990). Yin emphasized that a single-case design could be selected because of its criticalness, extremeness, typicalness, revelatory power, or longitudinal possibility (Yin, 1994). I was shocked that my Facebook friend didn't understand teacher tenure either, so I posted its legal definition. Teachers in the U.S. do make far less than similarly educated professionals. Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C., Pao, A., Mifsud, M., vila, L. V., Brandli, L. L., et al. Misconceptions are often deeply held, largely unexplained, and sometimes strongly defended. They are supposed to identify school facilities (e.g., football field, toilet, office space, tennis court, buildings etc. Attitudinal barriers are cited as major barriers to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all spheres of life in Ghana (Kassah et al., 2012; Adjei et al., 2013; Dugbartey and Barimah, 2013; Naami, 2014). Lack of oral competence of both teachers and the children in the target language equally hinder the child's reading progress. Wheelchair accessibility to public buildings in the Kumasi metropolis, Ghana. (2012). Coast, Ghana E-mail of the corresponding author: Abstract The general objective of the study was to evaluate the perspectives, conceptions and misconceptions of students on Industrial Attachment. Teach. Educ. Ghana: Ghana Assembly Press. 60, 281301. London: Hurst Co. Barnes, C., and Mercer, G. (2005). See Appendix A for details of the interview guide. Educ. We also reviewed the Four-Year Bachelor of Education degree curriculum (Developed by the University of Ghana), student reflective journal and the daily portfolio sheet. J. By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations. (2019). The SDGs Goal 4.5 explicitly mentions persons with disabilities. Educ. eSchool News uses cookies to improve your experience. Your source for IT solutions and innovations to support school-wide success. World Health Organization. The Politics of Disablement. The principle of universal design in the policy offers learners multiple means of representation, expression, engagement, motivation and tapping into learners interest. We conclude that the student teacher has not been given enough opportunity to reflect on their values, beliefs, biases, and attitudes toward learners with disabilities to develop appreciation of learners with disabilities and to be sensitive toward them. Previously, the University of Cape Coast and University of Education, Winneba, had the traditional mandate to prepare teachers to teach at various educational levels including the basic school level (Buabeng et al., 2019). CBR Inclus. Article 8 of the CRPD outlines measures that states parties could adopt to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access education, including vocational training and lifelong learning. This has the potential of influencing the learning experience of such students in the classroom. This assertion is also emphasized in Article 24 of the CRPD. The findings relating to the equity and inclusivity cross-cutting pillar of the curriculum is that emphasis is placed more on gender rather than disability inclusion. Certification helps to build a skilled workforce that meets the needs of local employers and government tech initiatives. Using the curriculum to promote inclusive education? It was the first news agency . Ministry of Education. (1994). Presently, there are 48 Colleges of Education (CoE) in Ghana, up from 38 in 2014 ( Buabeng et al., 2019) and in the 2018/2019 academic year, all Colleges of . Neubauer, C., and Calame, M. (2017). AN managed the project, including research planning, methodology, the design of the research instruments, fieldwork, data analysis, writing of results and assembled, wrote, and edited the first draft of the manuscript. Sometimes I just give these folks a little rundown of my week. The ICF helps our understanding of the functioning of people with different disorders and their level of participation in activities as well as how contextual factors could facilitate or impact negatively on functioning. further about the omission of an important aspect of school facilities, which is accessibility, from the student reflective portfolio, he made these remarks: I am very happy you brought this up. But how prepared are student teachers at Colleges of Education using the curriculum to promote inclusive education? In 2012, Burnett and Felsman (2012) signaled the debate on post Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and pointed out the need to incorporate the SDGs in education, particularly in educational institutions. Revista Educacin Superior y Sociedad (ESS) 32, 167201. In fact, persons with disabilities still face challenges accessing education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Keywords: Ghana, inclusive education, persons with disabilities, student teacher, teacher preparedness, Citation: Naami A and Mort KS-T (2023) Inclusive education in Ghana: How prepared are the teachers?

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