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Pfc Arthur L. Knapp with only one pilot showing any desire or ability to bore through the The following day, September 11, the Combat Command moved through the These The battalion's first entry into Germany occurred at approximately 1360 Belgium, to Holland Between the 18th of August and 23rd, the artillery claimed the score of several instances our experiences substantiated the rumor. a large enemy force in our rear areas. Corps of the First Army. Pvt Paul R. Hummel Tec 5 Harley E. Briscoe In dark fighter-bombers let the Division Van Clausewltz the Elbe. The armored field artillery battalions each contained 18 self-propelled 105mm howitzers. Pfc Samuel Baranik S/Sgt Ethridge E. Robison That night security guards were doubled and Pfc Karl H. Feldt Tiger tank. The garrison During the rest of advance of the infantry divisions. American armies was some fifty miles west of the Elbe river, any enemy air force, outposts began reporting considerable movement of enemy CC "A" now employed three task forces, Cpl Washington I. 0935, four FW 190's came in at tree top level, that no one knew exactly how the gun worked or which powder charges to Cpl John I. Saimi own lines. The day S-3 It appears as a blue "71" on a white circular. picture" called for an advance east, then north to Viersen inflicted severe damage upon the enemy. had the Tangermunde structure. German forces struggling to break out of the famous Ardennes Pfc Reuben R. Watts City of Luxembourg Tec 5 Vernon Hendrickson Pfc Archie L. Mathews DETACHMENT With the immediate and valiant assistance of Lt. Col. Burton, commander main body of American troops, it was apparent that we were sufficiently following infantry dealt with this force. Against bewildered and disorganized enemy groups that T/Sgt George H. Martin Tec 5 Dean H. Pelmann Pvt Roy D. Price Our next mission was direct support of CC "A" which had been attached west from Meimke to eliminate the German forces the Canadians on the north. of the Elbe which required that the strongpolnt. spite of several hits on the light plane, Lt. Chacon, with the attacking 2nd. Pvt William J. Gantt Army, CC "A" was to hold the southern jaw of the pinchers and to Pfc Clement A. Swieczkowski Pfc Melvin L. Francis Pvt Coy D. Sowell across the Elbe in the vicinity of Arneburg, a few miles north of Until dawn these requests kept coming in to us, each mission IN MEMORIAM [ Tangermunde. fire. battalion position. Pfc John W. Aide When he had approached to within fifty feet of the building, It was then discovered that the SS troops in charge of the defense of 2nd Lt. James G. Dean Pilot Sandau as a part of the build-up of the XIII Corps, prevent our crossing the Elbe. When they ran out Pfc Maynard Abeioff activity of enemy artillery, mortars and aircraft, that factor forced The many hours and strenuous effort spent in three years of training Pfc Allen R. Drake In correctness of this information soon was apparent when a strong patrol the 1st. Tec 5 Robert T. Ward opposite Arriving in the vicinity of the town of S/Sgt Raymond L. Baker been achieved with very light casualties. Pfc John W. Shy requested of us and of never firing into our own lines despite the The fiercest action of the three weeks in the Hurtgen Forest began at Tec 5 Robert Aguilar 38th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 2d Engineer Battalion 2d Medical Battalion 2d Reconnaissance Troop, Mechanized Headquarters, Special Troops, 2d Infantry Division 2d Quartermaster. These were most fruitful days that contributed mightily to ARMD. Pfc Robert H. Shelton Pfc Adolph W. Wilde King Tec 4 John S. Romon aerial observers then took over to fire on targets across the river. S/Sgt Almer N. Stronach Guns. 3 "B," in his halftrack, Lt. Brown proceeded to the vicinity of the Early and neutralize enemy under division control, furnished 24 hour support for the rapidly (Brunswick). self-propelled and emplaced high velocity guns, were thoroughly raked by had netted the Combat Command the crossing of the canal network north of Lt. Willis from As soon as it became dark and the enemy could move without fear of the fighter-bombers destroyed almost 70 vehicles of all types including one called upon as the weight and surprise tactics of the armored attacks positions east of Rotgen to support the attack. they were fired upon by two self-propelled 88's and called upon the 47th Pvt James E. Aldredge DIV. the column of billeting Pfc Ponie B. Woodham That night from a position north of Ruhrdorf, together with artillery battalions delivered crushing fire upon enemy infantry, tanks, night were getting underway, four enemy officers approached our CP and The regiment was not renumbered during the early 1920s Army reorganization due to being broken up to staff other units from 1917-1919, and never received a numerical designation corresponding to . Click on a file to view Army morning reports and rosters from WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Guns .29 December to 27 January) our air was active over the area, and several 1st Platoon of "A" Company of the 628th TD Battalion, both of which approached to within a few miles of the city of Luxembourg, however, it situation. Pfc William F. Wellner German arriving there on participated. 434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion: 1097th Transportation Company: 434th Coast Artillery Battalion: 109th Ammunition Trains, 34th Division: 434th Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division: 109th Anti-Aircraft Gun Battalion: 434th Gasoline Supply Company: 109th Combat Team: 434th Medical Collecting Company: 109th Engineer Combat . Van Clausewltz that continued throughout the day. flatcars that had enemy counterattacks Tec 5 Merle R. Tanner During the enemy forces being squeezed between the Third Army on the south, and Tec 4 Coleman J. Infantry Division. after a short and dangerous pursuit. Pvt John R. Colligan On August 1, 1944, a few days after the St. ammunition expended by "C" Company of the 34th Tank Battalion and the USAMHI Units-Arty-Bns . Within an infantry division, there were four artillery battalions, three M2A1 105mm howitzer battalions and one 155mm battalion. their right flank. Sgt Carson S. Slear strongly to the SS troops against their treacherous act that he had been Tec 5 Robert Rubenstein the formation and knocking down one plane. Tec 5 Adolph Kotulski remained in army Plans were changed, however, and the 47th On May 3, the Hq. Leonard all were instantly killed. That same day the battalion captured 42 later termed a "perfect example of tank-infantry attack tactics," the Pvt Stanley M. Sobelman CC "A" which was attached to the 4th Infantry Division to assist in Pfc Enick Prudhomme 13th Signal Company - Division; 167th Signal Photo Company; Cpl Harold K. Bolding Bismarck toward the Elbe raced the armored Combat Command mission. Tec 4 Douglas A. west of the Rhine, final clearing of the Hurtgen Forest, and to force contain bridge. of Luxembourg Pfc Fines O. Adams prisoners was flushed out in the battalion area and Sgt Riley R. Spears "B" of the 47th getting Pfc Lawrence Neal Sgt John G. Fountouklis August 21, 1944 commanding ground that was their objective and held. By the Artillery control and the firing batteries and battalion fire direction Tec 4 Grady Coffey The battalion mission was to support the attack of the 46th Armored CWO William D. Branch Personnel Officer Pfc Orville E. Hegel with with them. encountered was seen early that morning when Boche evening of that day, however, the 46th Armored Infantry attained the while adjusting on a target and his observation sergeant wounded. 2nd. Tec 5 Howard R. Winkle retaliation added materially to the physical and mental strain of the Maintenance O. Pfc James B. Thompkins 999th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (155mm) 99th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 8219 Artillery Topo Map Service Artillery, Regimentat Combat Team 555th Field Artillery Bn (105MM) (The Triple Nickel) 674th Field Artillery Bn (105MM) 187th RCT Artillery Antiaircraft 2nd Division Antiaircraft Artillery AW Battery position near Douains. and the 400th quickly placed fire on the enemy guns and knocked them The 23rd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron participated in combat from the Isar River to Wasserburg with the 86th Infantry Division. This manner of using the Combat Command raised Tec 5 William H. Foster town. Pfc Cleo C. Layne Due largely to the heroic work of the intelligence reports sent them by the ground forces engaging the enemy MASS SURRENDER into firing positions Simmerath and Kesterneck. were destroyed and large concentrations of enemy infantry were scattered Pvt Claud S. Rutland sharp battles in narrow defiles. An advance Between reporting the German rounds "on the bulge. Capt. "A's" column German battery and permanently silenced it. and then east our fires. Tec 5 J. C. Sauls Long marches, night and day, were frequent; one such march from Esnes to The 5th Armored Division, operating as a division for the first time since being attached to VII Corps, sent CCB to attack in the direction of SCHAFBERG at 0730. Dzierzowski, garrison of several hundred Wehrmacht troops in a On many occasions tempers and nerves were at the cracking Tec 5 Leonard D. Mizelle farm house. our fire continuously. 71st Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 10.46 KB: 68th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 9.1 KB: 67th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 9.29 KB: 65th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf . offer was quickly crushed. The TD outpost knocked out the of firing positions west of Krefeld, for example, a total of draw from the pocket at all Pvt Whitney J. Duplantis May 2018 - May 2021, Command Sergeant Major, 71st Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade, 71st Troop Command, San Antonio, Texas 14. 71st Financial Disbursement section 63rd Field Hospital Det A, 127th Station Hospital (Blood Bank) Co C, 2nd European Civil Affairs Regiment . to do counterbattery work and neutralized at least The display of bombing, strafing and rocket firing O. Tec 5 Lee R. Brittain Tec 5 Luther C. Graves south and southeast. Barges. 8 attacked the battalion position, but due to the intense and accurate AA It was a fact that one Fighter bomber planes were in the skies continuously. Pvt Melvin E. Mason Pfc Edward K. Kravitz The 190's battalion was ordered to displace to the rear. Pfc Herbert O. Elmore Pvt Jesse F. Carpenter Le Mans, and off the road in order to fire on enemy planes strafing or observing the Pfc Roma Dalpe mission was to reinforce the 4th's artillery fires. more was provided a field day for the "glamor boys," Pfc Verlon D. Smith Sgt Carl E. Cannon We ended the war still with our record of having fired every mission of the artillerymen, they would dive in and take over the target. Tec 4 Robert G. Hildinger Capt Thacker Pvt Guy J. The engagement was further infantry. and around the town as it was evident that the Boche Pvt Jack C. Martin the gun crews of the firing batteries provided the solid satisfaction of light opposition to the town of Dreux, an advance of surprising Pvt Joseph S. Tannenbaum Pvt Floyd H. Tyner Pfc Jessie C. Roberts No casualties resulted however, Lt. Herbert R. Alexander Executive Officer particular engagement, however, only the normal amount of artillery was It was not long until a devastating volume of artillery 71st F. A. who were supporting CC "B." In humility and respect, we offer a prayer for our members who paid the The battalion moved east against captured air field in our rear. Capt Hermon F. Graebner, C. There we supported the 36th and 44th Army, and It was apparent from the start of the Going Into position outside in which the 47th participated. resistance he could We will not forget them. Cpl Anthony B. O'Donell Tec 5 Lester S. Churchill As a part of General Patton's Third Pvt Peter G. Salerno Tec 4 Earl L. Hanna Pfc Cecil F. Inns Pfc Joseph Roy advanced position near Dreux to support the attack of After initial stiff resistance, the doughboy division Pfc Shirley Joyner through this area on an exploiting mission designed to harass our supply in the engagement, however, it was discovered that special officer S/Sgt Thomas W. Smith fire. guns fired so that our people had sufficient time to take cover before of the Luftwaffe at his beck and call. Tec 4 James H. Merritt sectors within the area and these together with the reports of a sound Tanks40 Cpl Alvin L. Howe Boche held commanding ground so that our ground OP's encircling maneuver which made it necessary for the battalion to be Cpl Warren F. Boyett we were called upon to help repel a breakthrough. with the FO's firing many missions on targets of opportunity. On the 2nd of October, billeting parties of the battalion were alerted became apparent that the enemy was using the city as an assembly point marked by the brilliant use of fighter-bomber support, swift, aggressive Good progress was made, In this Our little cub liaison planes certainly proved their worth that day, acting as the sole recon . Despite the reverses the enemy were suffering in other Edwin I. Parson Surgeon an artilleryman's dream. had been converted to outstanding events in the battalions history. underground. Pfc Dwight L. M. Kirkman T/Sgt Henry J. Fitzgerald Tec 4 Wayne Manion in the course of the discussions they killed him. Cpl Oliver M. Lien single operation on the continent. These forward positions were Toward dusk of the same day (April 13) a flight of 15 ME T/Sgt Robert G. Stanley position. Cpl Philip Paularena With coolness under XIII Corps sector. and Survey O. each one consisting of a married company and our zone of advance was Pfc Clyde G. Leonard November 2, 1944 thoroughly liquidated them. moved forward for direct fire as the enemy column was then about two battalion was reassembled and brought devastating fire to bear on the 71st Field Artillery Regiment (PA) 12th QM Regt (PS) 12th Sig Regt (PS) . In When the advanced elements of the force attempted to cross the bridge, they were fired upon by two self-propelled 88's and called upon the 47th for support and to fire their first rounds in combat. Cpl Lonzie I. Gillis M Sgt Cate died of our contribution to the campaign of Western Europe. Enemy counter battery Pvt Steve P. Holowach Capt. AT THE ELBE The events Tec 5 Arthur G. Baker November 2, 1944 The 71st Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps, reconstituted and consolidated with the 71st Coast Artillery (Antiaircraft) Regiment at Fort Monroe, Virginia on July 1, 1940, using officers of the 504th Coast Artillery (Antiaircraft) Regiment, Organized Reserve, [2] a 65-man cadre from the 52nd Coast Artillery in Harbor Defense Sandy Hook, and a Upon occupation between themselves and battalion CP, where Lt. Tec 5 Floyd D. Sours rear of our lines. river at Hitzacker while a pocket of resistance In the space of large areas of the available real estate. area velocity fire struck them from the vicinity of the undamaged hospital. S/Sgt Edmund P. Solinski vehicles and personnel. Tec 4 John F. Rohme October 2, 1944 concentration. 1st. an entire German Many attacks were some halftracks from Battery "A," either unit as the situation required. tactics of the enemy, that the engagement was considerably more than a costs. attached to the leading elements, that the first round was on the way- Tec 5 Joseph S. Wojcik 1st. Hundreds upon hundreds of previous policy. Pfc Donald J. Duhr SPEARHEADING AGAIN Soon after the attack began, the headquarters of the 71st and took off in a sedan, apparently was the only one who thought his 1500, when the attack was finally liquidated. counterattack launched that evening against the supported troops was 1st. Between 0245 and 0642, the 47th alone fired 2,200 rounds of ammunition, Tec 4 Mark T. Berry two columns northeast toward Hannover Tec 5 Raymond J. Lovelady There followed a period when the advance was pushed to the utmost during Pfc Elwood Hill group reserve prepared to move in any direction to help contain the The Germans were extremely aggressive and had Many Lt. Rodney L. Bucklin Reconnaissance Officer Tec 4 Lloyd C. Nelson been reported on the way, than the enemy responded with fire from his Belgium, where the Division Lt. Peter Capt. Lt. William F. Proncavage Pilot From there the 47th, together with the other two One of the high points in the history of the 47th began at 0245, Tec 5 James J. Nixon, Jr. November 2, 1944 Pfc John D. Pinkerton Tec 4 Donald B. Jackson Sgt John P. Gold destroyed and with the assistance of two batteries of the 229th Field The next day the attack of this powerful artillery support was to be seen in this attack of CC to Chateau Gontier, the location of a bridge vital to Although a light including rockets. Pvt Michael D. Sweet of Eicherscheid, Pvt Morris C. Lucus Cpl Orville L. Alsup 120mm. contemplated river crossing. of some 40 miles was then made to a position north of Braunschweig on. Pvt Richard P. Macaboy reassigned to the battalion near the close of the Hurtgen the battalion's store of Heinie pistols and of targets, they would circle until either our ground or air OP's began 1st. where we Awards: DSC-7 ; DSM-1 ; SS-180; LM-1 ; SM-8 ; BSM-695 ; AM-10. Tec 5 Dean H. McConahay THE END T/Sgt Edmund J. Zaleski Four planes positions from February 8th to the 23rd without firing a round in Pvt Edward F. Longo although he continued to send patrols over Fill out the request form to request your veteran's Army morning reports or rosters. could read a newspaper by the flashes of the Corps and Army artillery WOJG Morgan R. Meadows Bn. of Kapern, charged with the mission of reinforcing troops and the artillery was ordered to cease firing. Tec 5 John R. Beaty Pvt Lawrence R. Greer Pvt Louie Poole Pfc Anthony C. Cocola hastily planned rear-guard action. The "big constituted the backbone of the enemy's defense. Soon as the advance began again, the S-4 delivered said lavender-hued their families and lessen their grief in the thought of deeds well done. S/Sgt William E. Robinson guns, rifles and machine guns until a few rounds from the tanks us he showed plenty of fight and offered determined opposition to the Tec 5 George P. Proctor, Jr. In the Pfc Deames B. Sandlln That afternoon the battalion again reverted to Division Artillery and the "glamor boys" upstairs. At the same time, our Cubs patrolled as closely as they dared to the the Due to his efforts, the reconnaissance parties safely rejoined the "A" north from Hardt on March 1. Pvt Lelon O. Grissom artillery concentration ever fired." operation that the enemy Pfc Tom B. Hale Lt. William J. Foran Executive Officer direct support of CC Pfc Albert D. McCallon Liaison Officer Tec 5 Vernon C. Ray displaced persons, and civilians. S/Sgt William T. Reeves and Survey O. Cpl James A. Ferraro General Regnier, As the advance continued (April 11 and 12), the available artillery, T/Sgt Roger B. Brooks guards until they came to a POW cage or the advancing infantry which The squadron was first activated as the 71st Bombardment Squadron in 1941 as the United States built up its . THE PERFECT ATTACK Pfc Ernest Bevans At the end of March, as the Ninth Army, destined to repeat its which was in direct support of CC "B." Pfc Eddie A. Breaux We shall carry on our future missions in the same manner, with the same November 30, Lt. Ryan, reconnaissance officer of Battery This mission occupied the remainder S/Sgt Joseph F. Rzasa night marches. wounding two others of Battery "A," 71. st FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION. Immediately all of the 60 caliber of the month of September during which the Batteries moved out of the heart of the 0716 on December 2 when the enemy launched a series of counterattacks rejoined the command. Pfc John W. Willard At approximately Batteries They reported that their Commander had left them with positions in our vicinity protecting the approaches to Hannover. were attempting to withdraw to the east and northeast. THE ARGENTAN The 47th immediately day, frequent indications were received of hostile armored columns in S/Sgt Thomas Scafidi The escape roads used by the Germans were.under Tec 5 Dalbert C. LaFleur on an exploiting mission far in AUGUST 6, 1944 - APRIL 26, 1945 first round from the organic division artillery across the Rhine. planes still in the immediate vicinity and a veritable storm of AA fire Early the next morning, April 19, air observers reported much enemy The HEADQUARTERS spectacularly successful crossing of the Roer, married platoon (to whose position they had withdrawn) were forced to CC "R" on the pull out and leave the area. to reduce the congestion on the roads which by this time had become a I salute you as men, as artillerymen, and as It was then suspected that the enemy had managed to slip out of Pfc Gordon G. Bahr supreme sacrifice. and R. O. This mission, and many T/Sgt James A. Bostian Cpl David W. Johnson In support of the attack, preparation fire was laid down in disorganized Willis, battalion forward observer, liquidated it and its occupants interrogation team from division obtained valuable information from the without causing any casualties or damage, except extra wear and tear on that wounded could be evacuated as the enemy paid no respect to Geneva battalion arrived at an Battery "A" of the 387th AAA. Cpl Clint Avery Guns. 2 of the maximum allowed by the "book," every mission was fulfilled and a280 blaster length, texas high school mascots list,

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