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Finding -- A determination of fact by a judicial officer or jury. Surety Bond -- A bond posted by a surety insurer ensuring that the penalty sum will be paid if the conditions of the bond are not satisfied. With a total land area of 12,407 square miles (32,130 km 2), Maryland is the 8th-smallest state by land area, but its . Each case number must include a case code. Contact Information Accounting & Finance Location: (AB) 2nd Floor Phone: (352) 671-5520 To further that cause, the Maryland Judiciary has implemented CAPTCHA technology to confirm users are not robots or other automated systems in order to access and use CaseSearch. The information in Case Search is a summary of what is contained in the official case file. A material witness in a criminal case. Bail Bond -- A written obligation of a defendant, with or without a surety or collateral security, conditioned on the appearance of a defendant as required and providing for the payment of a penalty sum according to its terms; includes a surety bond posted by a surety insurer or bail bondsman and backed by the insurers pledge; a cash bond secured by deposited cash; a property bond secured by pledged personal property or a lien on real property; and/or an unsecured bond. Admission -- The voluntary acknowledgement of the existence of fact facts relevant to an adversarys case. Miller filled out a portion of the form noting that the test results were "0.148" and that the "Instrument Type" was "5000," but neglected to indicate whether the chemical test was of Hahn's blood or breath. Title 11. Appellate Court -- A court having jurisdiction to review the judgment or order of a lower court. Nulla Bona -- No goods; a return to a writ of execution when no goods of the defendant are found to levy. Offense -- A violation of the criminal laws of this State or any political subdivision thereof. Action -- All the steps by which a party seeks to enforce any right in a court or all the steps of a criminal prosecution. Count -- A separate charge in a charging document or separate cause of action in a civil complaint. Certiorari (writ of) (Trans: to be more fully informed) -- The process by which an appellate court calls for the records of a case from a lower court for review. The abbreviations and comment codes are explained below. Line (Praecipe) (Trans: command) -- A written request by an attorney entering his/her appearance, for the client before the court. Warrant -- A written order by a judicial officer commanding a peace officer to arrest the person named in it or to search for and seize property as described in it. Judgment -- The final order of the court; in a criminal case, the conviction and sentence constitute the judgment, so there is no judgment until sentence is imposed. Of no practical importance. Cepi -- I have taken; the return on a warrant indicating that the defendant has been arrested. Finding -- A determination of fact by a judicial officer or jury. Absconding Debtor -- A person who leaves a jurisdiction purposefully to avoid legal process. Mandate -- The judgment issued upon the decision of an appellate court. Oral Examination -- A request by plaintiff (judgment creditor) to discover the assets of a defendant (judgment debtor) after entry of judgment. It hasn't been 18 months and I haven't been back to court to either change the sentence or to shave . Writ of Habeas Corpus -- A court order compelling a Warden/Sheriff to bring a prisoner before a court at a specific date and time, most frequently to determine whether the prisoner is being held lawfully. Prosecuting Attorney or Prosecutor -- A public officer whose duty is the prosecution of criminal proceedings on behalf of the citizens of the state; most often refers to a States Attorney or Assistant States Attorney but, for some crimes, can be the State Prosecutor or Attorney General. Minor -- An individual under the age of 18 (eighteen) years. Of no practical importance. Accused -- The person against whom an accusation is made. Judgment -- The final order of the court; in a criminal case, the conviction and sentence constitute the judgment, so there is no judgment until sentence is imposed. Subpoena -- A writ issued by a court that compels a person to appear and give testimony at a specified time and place. Exhibits -- Documents and other tangible things that are attached to a pleading or offered as evidence in a case, after being marked for identification. The case type has also been changed to 'CRSCA.'. Superior Court Case Types Superior Court JIS Case Type, Cause Code, Participant Type The table below shows cause codes and JIS participant types that are valid for each case type. Witness -- One who testifies to what he has seen, heard, or otherwise observed and who is not necessarily a party to the action. Probation Before Judgment (PBJ) -- A conditional avoidance of imposition of sentence after conviction; failure to satisfy the terms and conditions may cause imposition of sentence after a finding of violation of probation. (Also known as Examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment; formally known as Supplementary Proceeding in aid of enforcement of judgment.). These tables give the various abbreviations for the U.S. Federal Courts including the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals and U.S. District Courts. Bail Bond Forfeiture -- The failure to satisfy the condition of the bond, namely the appearance in court as required, causing the full penalty amount to become due. (Compare Public Record or Confidential Record). Pardon -- Relief from a conviction (full pardon) or from any further punishment imposed by a conviction (particular pardon) granted by an executive official (governor or president). FindLaw Codes may not reflect the most recent version of the law in your jurisdiction. (Compare Concurrent Jurisdiction). Examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment -- A request by plaintiff (judgment creditor) to discover the assets of a defendant (judgment debtor) after entry of judgment. Affiant -- The person who makes and signs an affidavit. To 1/1/2002 shall continue to bear the CF case type abbreviations florida < /a > locate court! (See: Huger v. State, 285 Md. Incompetency -- Lack of capacity to understand the nature and object of the proceedings, to consult with counsel, and to assist in preparing a defense. Supplementary Proceedings -- Proceedings supplementary to an execution, directed to the discovery of a debtors property and the application of the property to the debt for which the execution is issued. Discovery -- Procedures used to obtain the disclosure of evidence before trial, such as: depositions, by oral examination or written questions; written interrogatories; requests for production or inspection of documents; orders for mental or physical examinations; and requests for admissions of fact and genuineness of documents. Tenant Holding Over (THO) -- A landlord-tenant action filed by the lessor to repossess certain leased premises which the tenant has not vacated after notice. 2 attorney answers Posted on Feb 10, 2018 These are the acronyms given for the Clerks' offices to categorize different types of cases. Complaint, Criminal -- A charge brought before a judicial officer that a person named has committed a specified offense. Ecitation -- The electronic version of the MD Uniform Complaint and Citation (traffic citation). Bail Bond Forfeiture -- The failure to satisfy the condition of the bond, namely the appearance in court as required, causing the full penalty amount to become due. Ex Parte -- On one side only, by or for one party; done for, in behalf of, or on the application of, one party only. Moot -- Issue previously decided or settled. Presentment Before Grand Jury -- Presentation of evidence, including testimony of witnesses, by the States Attorney to the grand jury to establish probable cause that the accused committed the alleged offense and to seek issuance of an indictment. Preliminary Inquiry -- Pre-trial hearing to determine that the defendant has received a copy of the charging document and under-stands the offenses with which he is charged and the penalties thereof. Petty Offense -- An offense the penalty for which does not exceed imprisonment for a period of three months or a fine of five hundred dollars. Pleadings -- The formal allegations by the parties of their respective claims and defenses for the judgment of the court; in criminal matters, this includes a charging document. Conviction -- The determination of guilt based on a plea, a jury verdict, or a finding of a judge. Also the endorsement made by the officer upon the writ or other paper stating what he has done under it, the time and mode of service etc. The Clerk will not assign a case code for you. Execution -- A method of obtaining satisfaction of a judgment. Appeal -- The review of a case in a court of higher jurisdiction. States Attorney -- A person authorized to prosecute an offense on behalf of the State or a political subdivision thereof. Hearsay -- Evidence offered by a witness based on what others have said. Infraction (Civil) -- A violation of a statute, ordinance, or regulation for which the only penalty authorized is a civil fine. The codes entered in a case record may vary according to jurisdiction. Mistrial -- A trial that has been terminated and declared void due to prejudicial error in the proceedings or other extraordinary circumstances. Presentence Investigation Report (PSI) -- A confidential report ordered by the judge and produced by the division of parole and probation prior to sentencing, to provide background information (job, finances, family status, community ties, etc.) Sequester -- Separate or isolate; for example, to separate witnesses from each other, to separate property from a party and place it in the custody of the court or a third person, etc. Bail Bondsman -- The authorized agent of a surety insurer. Non-issue. Court Order -- A command or mandatory direction of a judge which is made during a case. A claim by one party against a co-party. This list is not all inclusive and there is no guarantee that the information is accurate or up to date. Confession -- A statement by an individual, either oral or written, admitting that he or she committed a certain offense. A disregard of, or disobedience to, the rules or orders of a judicial body or an interruption of its proceedings by disorderly behavior or insolent language. (Compare Removal). Escrow -- The placing of money, a deed, or real property in the hands of a third party to be held until the performance of a condition. For partial name searches, input at least the first character of the last name, followed by a % symbol. Cross-examination -- Examination of one partys witness by the other party. District Court -- Lowest State trial court; a court of limited jurisdiction. Not included are records pertaining to nonincarcerable violations of the Maryland vehicle laws or other traffic law, ordinance, or regulation, published opinions of the Court, cash receipt and disbursement records necessary for audit purposes; or a Court reporters transcript of proceedings involving multiple defendants. (Compare admission), Confidential Record -- An official record of which a statute prohibits public review, such as presentence investigation reports. This is a service of the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation. Cross Claim -- A claim asserted between co-defendants or co-plaintiffs and in a case that relates to the subject of the original claim or counterclaim. When you're done, the program automatically generates your completed forms, along with detailed instructions on what to do next. Process -- Any written order issued by a court to secure compliance with its commands or to require action by any person and includes a summons, subpoena, an order of publication, or a commission of other writ. Shielded Record - A record or information in a record removed from public inspection by a judge or commissioner. Bench -- Process issued by the court itself, or from the bench, for the attachment or arrest of a person. Notice of Release -- A written request for expungement of police records. mclaren f1 industrial placement, lax centurion lounge reopening flyertalk, under the black water mariana enriquez,

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